Duck Feet?
Here’s a Reembody Method sequence that I used to help a duck-footed (feet turned out) saxophonist with sore feet and low back pain. If you have similar issues while standing, you might try it too. But what is the Reembody Method, you might ask? It’s a new somatic modality that looks at how our inborn tendency to be right or left handed predicts the way that force moves through the body. Said more plainly, you can use the Reembody Method to unwind habitual holding and power up habitual weakness.
Here’s the sequence:
Note: Internal rotation is towards the center of the body, external rotation is away from center of the body.
- For the non-dominant foot, leave ball of foot on ground, lift your heel and rotate your thigh internally until your foot comes to parallel.
- For dominant foot, leave heel on ground, flex foot, and spin shin and foot internally to bring foot to parallel.
You might find that collapsed arches are more springy and hyper-extended knees are no longer locked.
Let me know what happened to you!
Advanced: As you play with this sequence, consider that perfect positions don’t exist. The reason is that position, action and intent are always linked. You’ll waste time and get stiff if you try and sculpt your body into a perfect shape. As you evaluate your habitual duck footed stance, it’s more effective to consider what you are doing, thinking and feeling in that moment. If your answer is, “I’m not doing/thinking/feeling anything,” then you can be sure you have discovered a habit!
#reembodymethod #alexandertechnique
Additional thoughts:
This sequence is something to try, enjoy, and let go of. It’s not a meant as a proscribed way of doing something for eternity. In a workshop or lesson, I would explain how to cue rotation in your legs that would be applicable to many different movements. Nevertheless, as a quick fix to gain a more supported stance, this sequence has plenty of benefits.
The Reembody Method does not proscribe a set way of moving or set postures, but it does model how force moves through the body. Once you understand the model, you can tinker with almost any part to affect the whole.